Advanced Features

This chapter provides details of more advanced Clorm features. Clorm implements a number of functions and classes to provide its abstraction over the raw Clingo symbol objects. There may be more advanced use-cases where it is useful to have access to these features. Or at the very least it may help to provide a better understanding of the internal operations of Clorm.

Introspection of Predicate Definitions

A number of properties of a Predicate or ComplexTerm definition can be accessed through the meta property of the class. To highlight these features we assume the following definitions:

from clorm import Predicate, ComplexTerm, ConstantField, StringField

class Address(ComplexTerm):
     street = StringField
     city = StringField(index=true)

class Person(Predicate):
   name = StringField(index=true)
   address = Address.Field

Firstly the name and arities of the complex term and predicate can be examined:

assert == "address"
assert Address.meta.arity == 2
assert == "person"
assert Person.meta.arity == 2

The fields, and sub-fields, of a predicate that are specified as being indexed are also available:

assert set(Person.meta.indexes) == set([,])

It is possible to introspect the field names of a predicate:

assert set(Person.meta.keys()) == set(["name","city"])

Raw Clingo and Clorm Facts

The Clingo reasoner deals in clingo.Symbol objects while Clorm facts provide an intuitive abstraction on top of the underlying raw symbols. Clorm and the Clingo integration library clorm.clingo minimises the need to deal with explicitly coverting between the two.

However, there may still be use-cases where it is useful to deal explicitly with the underlying raw clingo symbol objects. For example, if the user choses not to use the clorm.clingo integration module but instead to use the main clingo module.


In logical terms, unification involves transforming one expression into another through term substitution. We co-op this terminology for the process of transforming Clingo.Symbol objects into Clorm facts. This unification process is integral to using Clorm since it is the main process by which the symbols within a Clingo model are transformed into Clorm facts.

A unify function is provided that takes at least two parameters; a unifier and a list of raw clingo symbols. It then tries to unify the list of raw symbols with the predicates in the unifier. It returns a FactBase containing the facts, or a list of facts if the parameter ordered=True, that resulted from the unification of the symbols with the first matching predicate. If a symbol was not able to unify with any predicate it is ignored.

from clingo import Function, String
from clorm import Predicate, StringField, unify

class Person(Predicate):
   name = StringField(index=True)
   address = StringField

good_raw = Function("person", [String("Dave"),String("UNSW")])
bad_raw = Function("nonperson", [])
fb = unify([Person], [bad_raw, good_raw])
assert list(fb) == [Person(name="Dave", address="UNSW")]
assert len(fb.indexes) == 1


In general it is a good idea to avoid defining multiple predicate definitions that can unify to the same symbol. However, if a symbol can unify with multiple predicate definitions then the unify function will match only the first predicate definition in the list of predicates.

By default, the fact base object returned by the unify function will be initialised with any indexed fields as specified by the matching predicate declaration.

To get more fined grained behaviour, such as controlling which fields are indexed, the user can also use a SymbolPredicateUnfier helper function. This class also provides a decorator function that can be used to register the class and any indexes at the point where the predicate is defined. The symbol predicate unifer can then be passed to the unify function instead of a list of predicates.

from clingo import Function, String
from clorm import Predicate, StringField, unify

spu = SymbolPredicateUnifier(supress_auto_index=True)

class Person(Predicate):
   name = StringField(index=True)
   address = StringField

class Person(Predicate):
   id = ConstantField()
   address = StringField()

good_raw = Function("person", [String("Dave"),String("UNSW")])
bad_raw = Function("nonperson", [])
fb = spu.unify([bad_raw, good_raw])
assert list(fb) == [Person(name="Dave", address="UNSW")]
assert len(fb.indexes) == 0

This function has two other useful features. Firtly, the option raise_on_empty=True will throw an error if no clingo symbols unify with the registered predicates, which can be useful for debugging purposes.

The final option is the delayed_init=True option that allow for a delayed initialisation of the FactBase. What this means is that the symbols are only processed (i.e., they are not unified agaist the predicates to generate facts) when the FactBase object is actually used.

This is also useful because there are cases where a fact base object is never actually used and is simply discarded. In particular this can happen when the ASP solver generates models as part of the on_model() callback function. If applications only cares about an optimal model or there is a timeout being applied then only the last model generated will actually be processed and all the earlier models may be discarded (see Integration with the Solver).